Holding down Ctrl, drag the mouse to(from) the target point on the picture for the smart zoom #BM#t01.bmp Drag Header Bar buttons horizontally to quickly rearrange PicaJet panels Press Tab to quickly maximize/minimize the workspace #BM#t03.bmp You can rotate pictures during a slideshow by pressing the ">" or "<" keys #BM#t04.bmp You can quickly import pictures from Explorer by dragging them to the PicaJet workspace You can select several categories by holding down the Ctrl key #BM#t06.bmp Use Ctrl + 1, Ctrl + 2 or Ctrl + 3 to add photos from a Camera, Files or a CD/DVD #BM#t07.bmp You can quickly remove a picture from all categories by assigning the "Unassigned" You can quickly rate pictures by pressing 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 keys on the keyboard #BM#t09.bmp You can quickly display the "Import from Files" dialog by double-clicking any empty area on the workspace You can quickly enhance selected photos by pressing "A" on the keyboard #BM#t11.bmp You can quickly e-mail selected photos by pressing Shift + "E" on the keyboard #BM#t12.bmp